Frequent Questions

GeniusPARK is a converging place for geniuses to progressively recognise their uniqueness, get empowered and become inspired to show up in their respective environments to impact it positively with their genius. Together with other Geniuses, you will explore your grandness and discover new perspectives that will facilitate precise engagement for the achievement of your personal, career, business, relationship, health/wellness, financial and general life goals.

The app offers both FREE and PREMIUM content.

Yes, you can. There is a plethora of seasoned coaches on the platform that you can access via a booking.

No. The Coach's contact will not be made available to subscribers. However, you can schedule with any coach of your preference from the Coach’s page.

No, it is not. To access e-learning products by StephREDD, visit

Visit the Coaches page and select the coach that would best serve your coaching need. Proceed to the Coach’s calendar and schedule a session.

Yes. Quotes will be displayed daily. However, premium subscribers will have full access to the “quote bank”.

No, it is not. However, the content may be more beneficial to individuals who have attained the age to think, decide and take responsibility for themselves and their choices.

The realisation that every human being is a genius and each one must recognise it and begin to function authentically and optimally from their genius level.

The GeniusPARK app is highly interactive and user-friendly.

GeniusPARK is available on both android and iOS aps.

GeniusPARK serves all genders.

No. GeniusPARK is not a gaming app, but rather, a self-actualisation and self-optimisation app.

Take control of your ingenuity and that of the ones you care for.